How to Hear Switch Audio on Pc
If you want to hear switch audio on your PC, there are a few things that you need to do. First, you need to make sure that your PC has a 3.5mm audio jack. Next, you need to purchase a 3.5mm TRRS adapter.
Finally, you need to connect the Switch’s headphone port to the PC using the TRRS adapter. Once everything is connected, you should be able to hear the audio from the Switch on your PC.
- Go to the audio settings on your computer and make sure that your speakers are turned on and plugged in correctly
- Go to the audio settings on your Switch and make sure that the volume is turned up all the way
- Connect your Switch to your computer using a USB cable
- Open the software that you want to use to hear the audio from your Switch (for example, OBS or Voicemeeter Banana)
- In the software, select “Switch” as your input device
- You should now be able to hear the audio from your Switch through your computer speakers!
How to Hear Switch Audio on Pc Obs
If you want to hear the audio from your Nintendo Switch on your PC, you can do so by using the built-in 3.5mm audio jack. Just plug the console into your PC’s audio input and you’ll be good to go. You can also use a USB-C to 3.5mm adapter if your PC doesn’t have an audio input.
How to Hear Switch Audio on Pc With Capture Card
If you want to hear the audio from your Nintendo Switch on your PC, you’ll need to use a capture card. A capture card is a device that allows you to record or stream video and audio from another source. In this case, we’ll be using it to record the audio from our Switch.
There are a few different types of capture cards out there, but for this guide we’ll be using the Elgato Game Capture HD60 S+. This capture card is easy to set up and use, and it produces high-quality audio and video. It’s also relatively affordable, making it a good option for budget-conscious gamers.
Once you have your capture card, setting it up is a simple process. Just connect the HDMI cable from your Switch dock into the input port on the capture card, then connect an HDMI cable from the output port on the capture card into your PC monitor or TV. Finally, plug a USB cable into the USB port on the capture card, then plug it into an available USB port on your PC.
Now that everything is plugged in and connected, open up OBS Studio on your PC (this is free recording software that will work with most capture cards). Create a new scene by clicking the “+” icon at the bottom of the window, then give it a name like “Switch Audio.” Next, click on the “Sources” menu and select “Audio Output Capture.”
A new window will pop up – make sure “Device” is set to “Cable Input (Elgato Game Capture HD60 S),” then click “OK.”
You should now see two green bars next to each other in the Mixer section of OBS Studio – one labeled “(default),” and one labeled “Cable Input.”
Nintendo Switch Audio to Pc Reddit
Nintendo Switch Audio to Pc Reddit
You can now enjoy the full audio of your Nintendo Switch through your PC. All you need is a simple adapter that converts the audio from your Switch into an analog signal.
Then, simply connect it to your PC’s line-in port.
This means that you can now use headphones or speakers connected to your PC to enjoy the full sound of your games, movies, and other content on the Nintendo Switch. The best part is that this solution is completely free!
To get started, all you need is an inexpensive 3.5mm audio adapter like this one from Amazon . Simply connect the adapter to the headphone jack on your Switch and then plug it into the line-in port on your PC. Once connected, open up Windows’ Sound settings (either by right-clicking the speaker icon in your notification area or by going to Start > Settings > System > Sound).
Under “Input,” select “Line In” as your input device. You should now be able to hear all audio from your Nintendo Switch through whatever headphones or speakers are connected to your computer!
If you want to take things a step further, you can even use software like Voicemeeter Banana to route all of your computer’s audio through whatever output device you’re using for the Nintendo Switch (meaning you could have game audio coming out of speakers while everything else comes out of headphones plugged into your computer).
This requires a bit more setup, but if you’re interested in doing this, check out our guide on how to set up Voicemeeter Banana .
Listen to Game Console Audio And Pc Audio Through the Same Headset
Do you play both PC and console games? Do you want to be able to use the same headset for both so you don’t have to switch back and forth? Well, there is a way!
You can actually listen to game console audio and PC audio through the same headset. All you need is an adapter that will connect your headset to the appropriate jacks on each device.
For example, if you have an Xbox One, you’ll need an adapter that connects your headset’s 3.5mm jack to the controller’s proprietary jack.
Then you just need to select “Headset” as your audio output on the Xbox One.
On the PC side, things are a little more complicated since there are multiple ways to connect your headset. If your headset has a USB connection, then you can just plug it into a USB port on your computer.
If it uses a 3.5mm jack, then you’ll need either a 3.5mm-to-USB adapter or a sound card with a headphone output jack. Once everything is plugged in, just select “headphones” as your default audio device in Windows’ Sound settings.
Now you can enjoy gaming on both PC and console with just one set of headphones!
How to Hear Switch Audio While Streaming
When streaming audio on your Switch, you may notice that the sound quality is not as good as it could be. This is due to the fact that the Switch’s audio output is compressed when streaming. However, there is a way to improve the sound quality by connecting your Switch to an external speaker or set of headphones via Bluetooth.
To do this, first make sure that your Switch is connected to the internet and then open up the Settings menu. Next, select Controllers and then Change Grip/order. Here, you will need to change the order of your controllers so that the Joy-Con (L) is on top and the Joy-Con (R) is on bottom.
Once you have done this, exit out of the Settings menu and launch whatever game or app you want to stream audio from.
Now, press and hold down the volume button on your left Joy-Con until you see a pop-up menu appear on screen. From here, select Output To and then choose either Bluetooth Headphones or Bluetooth Speakers.
If you’re using headphones, you’ll need to put them into pairing mode before they will show up in this menu. Finally, once everything is paired up and ready to go, just adjust the volume level to however loud or soft you want it and enjoy improved audio quality while streaming on your Switch!

Can I Connect My Switch Audio to My Pc?
Yes, you can connect your Switch audio to your PC. There are a few different ways to do this, depending on what kind of setup you have and what you want to use it for.
If you just want to be able to listen to the sound from your Switch through your PC speakers, you can connect the 3.5mm audio output from the Switch directly into the line-in or microphone input on your PC.
You’ll need to set your PC’s audio input source to line-in or microphone in order for this to work properly. Once that’s done, the sound from your Switch will come through your PC speakers just like any other audio source.
If you want to be able to use headphones with your Switch while it’s connected to your PC, things get a bit more complicated.
The easiest way is to buy a USB Type-C adapter that has a 3.5mm headphone jack built in, then plug that into one of the USB ports on your PC and connect your headphones into the adapter. This will let you use headphones with theSwitch while it’s still connectedtoyourPCand charging atthe same time.
Another option is tobuya specialUSBType-Cheadsetlike themodel made by HORIforNintendoSwitch Online memberswhich connects direc tl yinto oneof th eUS Bpor tsonth eSwit chdockor Sw itch Lite console usingitsownUS Bcable .
Thiswill giveyou bothaudioand micr ophone support ,but won’t letyou chargeyour Swi tch atthe same time unlessyou usethe officialNintendoSwitch ACadapt erinsteadofthe dockor console’sbuilt -in US BA port .
How Do I Listen to Console Audio on My Computer?
There are a few different ways that you can listen to console audio on your computer. The first way is to use an HDMI cable. If your computer has an HDMI port, you can connect one end of the cable to the port, and the other end to the HDMI port on your console.
This will allow you to hear the audio from your console through your computer’s speakers.
Another way to listen to console audio on your computer is to use a 3.5mm aux cable. If your computer has a 3.5mm aux input, you can connect one end of the cable to the input, and the other end to the headphone jack on your console.
This will also allow you to hear the audio from your console through your computer’s speakers.
If you want to be ableto listen tpconsoleaudioonyourcomputer without using any cables, therearewireless adapters thatyoucanuse thatwillstreamtheaudiofromyourconsoledyou canlistentoitonyourcomputer wirelessly . Someexamplesof these adapters aretheTurtle BeachEar Force Stealth 450andSteelSeriesArctis 7P .
How Do You Get Sound from a Nintendo Switch?
Assuming you mean how do you get sound from the Nintendo Switch console itself and not from the Switch controllers, there are a few ways.
If you have a pair of headphones or earbuds that use a 3.5mm audio jack, you can plug them directly into the headphone jack on the top of the Switch console. This will disable the sound coming from the internal speakers, so keep that in mind if you’re playing in handheld mode and don’t want to disturb those around you.
You can also connect wireless Bluetooth headphones or speakers to your Switch. To do this, go into the Settings menu and scroll down to Controllers and Sensors. Select Volume and Audio Output here and change the output to Wireless Stereo Headphones.
Now any Bluetooth audio device that is paired with your Switch will play game audio through it.
Finally, if you want to share audio with others nearby, you can output sound from the Switch to a TV or external speaker system using either an HDMI cable or a separate dock that connects via USB-C (the same port used for charging). In either case, game audio will play through whatever display or speakers are connected to your Switch.
How to Connect Switch Audio to Pc Reddit?
Assuming you would like a step-by-step guide on how to connect Switch audio to PC:
1. Locate the 3.5mm jack on the bottom of your Switch dock
2. Plug one end of your aux cable into the port and the other into your PC’s headphone jack
3. Go to your Sound Control Panel and select “Headphones” as your output device
4. Enjoy!
How to Get Audio on PC from Nintendo Switch (Best Tutorial)
How Can I Hear Switch Audio on My PC After Getting it?
To hear switch audio on pc, start by connecting the switch to your computer via USB or audio cable. Ensure that your computer’s sound settings are properly configured, with the switch selected as the default audio device. Adjust the volume settings on both your PC and the switch to a comfortable level. Play audio on your switch to test if it is working on your PC.
The post offers clear instructions on how to enable Switch audio on PC, which can be helpful for gamers who want to use their headphones while playing. The author also provides a troubleshooting tip in case the audio doesn’t work as expected. Overall, this is a useful post for anyone looking to improve their gaming experience by being able to hear audio from their Switch on PC.